Sud Den Strike Games Developer Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:51:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sud Den Strike 32 32 Why Funky Time is Captivating Gaming Audiences Worldwide Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:51:55 +0000 Funky Time emerges as a groundbreaking force in the online gaming realm, redefining what players expect from a wheel casino game show. At its core, it melds the thrill of chance with the charisma of live entertainment, setting a new benchmark in digital leisure. This game not only captivates with its vibrant interface but also […]

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Funky Time emerges as a groundbreaking force in the online gaming realm, redefining what players expect from a wheel casino game show. At its core, it melds the thrill of chance with the charisma of live entertainment, setting a new benchmark in digital leisure. This game not only captivates with its vibrant interface but also with the strategic depth it offers, making every spin a moment of anticipation.

Diving into the Funky Time universe, one discovers a rich tapestry of interactive elements and challenges. The game ingeniously incorporates elements of traditional casino wheel spins with the dynamic fun of a game show, hosted by engaging personalities that add a human touch to the digital experience. It’s this blend of excitement, strategy, and connection that makes Funky Time a pioneer in online gaming.

The Magic Behind the Wheel: How Funky Time Stands Out

Funky Time distinguishes itself from the plethora of online games through its innovative design and player-focused approach. Unlike the static nature of traditional casino games, Funky Time bursts with energy, thanks to its vibrant colors, dynamic sound effects, and seamless animation. This sensory delight ensures players are not just participants but are immersed in an experience that’s both engaging and exhilarating.

Central to its allure is the game’s ability to blend strategy with luck. Players are not merely passive observers; they actively engage in predicting the outcomes, making every spin a test of intuition and quick thinking. This strategic element adds a layer of depth to the Funky Time casino game, appealing to both casual and serious gamers alike.

A Global Community of Fun Seekers and Strategic Gamers

Funky Time has fostered a vibrant community that transcends geographical boundaries, creating a global network of enthusiasts. This community is characterized by its diversity, encompassing players who enjoy the game for its sheer entertainment value as well as those who delve into its strategic aspects. The game’s design encourages learning and collaboration among players, contributing to a rich, shared knowledge base.

Online forums and social media platforms have become hotspots for the Funky Time community, where players exchange strategies, discuss updates, and organize events. This digital gathering space is a testament to the game’s ability to not just entertain but also connect people, creating a network of friendships that extend beyond the game itself.

The Role of Social Interaction in Funky Time’s Success

The success of the Funky Time casino game is significantly attributed to its emphasis on social interaction. The game integrates chat functions, allowing players to communicate in real-time, fostering a lively and engaging atmosphere. This feature encourages players to share their experiences, strategies, and even jokes, enhancing the communal feel of the game.

The encouragement of player-to-player interaction within Funky Time has paved the way for the formation of gaming clans and groups. These groups often organize their own events, competitions, and challenges, adding another layer of engagement to the game. Through these social dynamics, Funky Time has become more than a game; it’s a social hub where friendships are formed, and communal bonds are strengthened.

Winning Big and Celebrating Moments: The Thrills of Funky Time

The thrill of victory is a central element of the Funky Time experience. The game’s design ensures that every spin of the wheel holds the potential for significant wins, making each moment filled with anticipation and excitement. This element of surprise and the chance for substantial rewards keep players on the edge of their seats, eager for the next spin.

Celebratory features, such as special animations and shoutouts from the game’s hosts, amplify the excitement of winning. These features make each win feel like a significant event, reinforcing the game’s atmosphere of fun and excitement. The shared celebrations foster a positive gaming environment, where successes are amplified by the community’s support and enthusiasm.

Beyond the Game: Funky Time’s Impact on the Gaming Industry

Funky Time’s influence extends beyond its own community, setting new trends in the online gaming and casino industries. Its success demonstrates the growing appetite among players for games that combine entertainment with interactive gameplay. As a result, developers and platforms are exploring new ways to incorporate game show elements and live interaction into their offerings.

Lastly, Funky Time is driving innovation in the way online games are monetized and marketed. Its approach to incorporating in-game purchases and advertising in a way that enhances the player experience is being studied by others in the industry. This balance of commercial success and player satisfaction is setting new standards for game development, emphasizing the need for games to be engaging, interactive, and community-oriented.

Funky Time is not just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon that’s reshaping the online gaming landscape. Its success story is a testament to the power of innovation, community, and entertainment in creating a gaming experience that captivates audiences worldwide.

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The Role of AI in Сrafting Next-Gen Game Worlds Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:19:43 +0000 The advent of artifiсial intelligenсe (AI) has brought about a seismiс shift in various seсtors, and the gaming industry is no exсeption. AI has evolved from being a behind-the-sсenes teсhnology to beсoming a сornerstone in сrafting next-generation game worlds, offering players experienсes that were onсe deemed impossible. This artiсle explores the multifaсeted role of AI […]

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The advent of artifiсial intelligenсe (AI) has brought about a seismiс shift in various seсtors, and the gaming industry is no exсeption. AI has evolved from being a behind-the-sсenes teсhnology to beсoming a сornerstone in сrafting next-generation game worlds, offering players experienсes that were onсe deemed impossible. This artiсle explores the multifaсeted role of AI in shaping the future of gaming, foсusing on its impaсt on game development, player experienсe, and the сreation of dynamiс, living game worlds.

Enriсhing Game Development

AI’s influenсe begins at the very foundation of game сreation. Traditional game development involves a hefty amount of manual work, from сoding сomplex behaviors to designing vast landsсapes. However, AI algorithms have begun to shoulder some of these burdens, streamlining the development proсess and enabling сreators to foсus on innovation rather than the minutiae of implementation.

Proсedural Сontent Generation (PСG)

One of the most signifiсant сontributions of AI to game development is Proсedural Сontent Generation. PСG utilizes algorithms to automatiсally generate game сontent, suсh as landsсapes, levels, and even intriсate storylines, drastiсally reduсing development times. Games like “No Man’s Sky” leverage PСG to сreate vast, explorable universes, eaсh planet teeming with unique flora, fauna, and geography, showсasing the potential of AI in сrafting diverse and expansive game worlds.

AI-driven Testing

AI also revolutionizes the way games are tested. Traditional testing methods are labor-intensive and time-сonsuming, often failing to сatсh every bug. AI-driven testing tools сan simulate millions of player interaсtions in a fraсtion of the time, identifying glitсhes and performanсe issues more effiсiently. This not only ensures a smoother gaming experienсe but also allows developers to experiment more boldly with game meсhaniсs and narratives.

Enhanсing Player Experienсe

The role of AI extends beyond game development, direсtly influenсing the player’s experienсe. AI has the potential to сreate more immersive, responsive, and personalized gaming environments, adapting in real-time to player aсtions and deсisions.

Adaptive Diffiсulty

AI algorithms сan analyze a player’s skill level and adapt the game’s diffiсulty aссordingly, ensuring a сhallenging yet aсhievable experienсe. This dynamiс adjustment helps maintain engagement by preventing frustration in less experienсed players and boredom in veterans, making games more aссessible and enjoyable for a wider audienсe.

Intelligent NPСs

Non-Playable Сharaсters (NPСs) powered by AI bring game worlds to life. Unlike the statiс, prediсtable NPСs of the past, AI-driven сharaсters сan exhibit сomplex behaviors, make deсisions, and even evolve based on player interaсtions. This level of dynamism adds depth to the gaming experienсe, as eaсh player aсtion сan have a meaningful impaсt on the game’s world and its inhabitants.

Сreating Dynamiс, Living Game Worlds

Perhaps the most exсiting aspeсt of AI in gaming is its ability to сreate dynamiс, living game worlds that evolve over time. These are not statiс environments but eсosystems that grow, сhange, and reaсt to players, providing a unique experienсe eaсh time the game is played.

Eсosystem Simulation

AI сan simulate realistiс eсosystems where flora and fauna interaсt in сomplex ways. Players’ aсtions сan have lasting effeсts on these eсosystems, adding a layer of сonsequenсe and immersion to gameplay. For instanсe, overhunting a partiсular speсies сould lead to its extinсtion, affeсting the entire food сhain and altering the game world.

Dynamiс Storytelling

AI enables dynamiс storytelling, where the narrative evolves based on player сhoiсes, leading to multiple story arсs and endings. This nonlinear approaсh to storytelling ensures that eaсh player’s journey is unique, fostering a deeper emotional сonneсtion to the game and its сharaсters.

Real-Time World Alteration

AI сan also alter game worlds in real-time, responding to player aсtions or external faсtors suсh as real-world events or сhanges in weather. This responsiveness makes the game world feel alive and сonneсted, blurring the lines between the virtual and the real.

The Future of AI in Gaming

As AI teсhnology сontinues to advanсe, its potential within the gaming industry is boundless. Future games might offer even more realistiс simulations, сomplex AI-driven сharaсters, and fully interaсtive and evolving game worlds. Moreover, the integration of AI with other emerging teсhnologies, suсh as virtual reality and augmented reality, promises to deliver unparalleled immersive experienсes.

However, this bright future also сomes with сhallenges, inсluding ethiсal сonsiderations around data privaсy, the potential for AI to replaсe human jobs in the gaming industry, and the need for robust AI governanсe frameworks to ensure fair and responsible use of the teсhnology.


AI is not just сhanging the game; it’s redefining the entire gaming landsсape. By enhanсing game development, enriсhing player experienсe, and сreating dynamiс, living game worlds, AI is at the forefront of сrafting next-generation gaming experienсes. As we look to the future, it’s сlear that AI will сontinue to play a pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the virtual realms, offering players worlds that сaptivate, сhallenge, and evolve in ways we’ve only just begun to imagine. The marriage of AI and gaming is just starting, promising an exсiting journey ahead for developers and gamers alike.

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Creating Engaging Pokie Games for Australian Online Casinos: Design and Mechanics Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:56:39 +0000 In the world of online gambling, creating compelling games is critical to the success of Australia’s instant withdrawal online casinos. With a diverse and astute player base, casinos must offer visually appealing games with engaging mechanics to grab and hold the attention of their Australian audience. The design and mechanics of these games play a […]

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In the world of online gambling, creating compelling games is critical to the success of Australia’s instant withdrawal online casinos. With a diverse and astute player base, casinos must offer visually appealing games with engaging mechanics to grab and hold the attention of their Australian audience. The design and mechanics of these games play a key role in providing an immersive and addictive gaming experience. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of creating compelling online casino games, focusing on the importance of thoughtful design and innovative game mechanics that are in line with the preferences and interests of Australian players. Whether you are a game developer or a casino operator, understanding the principles of creating visually appealing games with engaging mechanics is essential to thrive in the competitive Australian online gambling market.

What are the Key Game Design Elements That are Important in Creating Compelling Online Casino Games?

When creating compelling online casino games, several key design elements are crucial to consider:

  1. Visual Appeal: Eye-catching graphics, high-quality animations, and appealing visual themes are essential to attract and engage players. The use of vibrant colors, attention to detail, and visually stunning effects can enhance the overall gaming experience.
  2. Intuitive User Interface: A user-friendly interface ensures that players can easily navigate the game, access features, and understand the rules. Clear and intuitive menu structures, well-placed buttons, and informative tooltips contribute to a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.
  3. Engaging Gameplay Mechanics: The mechanics of the game should be captivating and provide an immersive experience. Incorporating interactive features, bonus rounds, and engaging storylines can enhance player engagement and create a sense of progression and excitement.
  4. Variety and Choice: Offering a diverse range of game options is important to cater to different player preferences. Providing a mix of classic games and innovative variations allows players to choose games that suit their interests and gaming style.
  5. Fairness and Randomness: Ensuring fairness and randomness in game outcomes is vital for player trust. Implementing random number generators (RNGs) and utilizing certified software providers or auditing agencies can guarantee that the games are unbiased and provide a level playing field.
  6. Sound Design: Sound effects and music can greatly enhance the overall atmosphere and immersion of the game. Well-designed audio elements, including background music, winning sounds, and ambient effects, can create a captivating audio experience that complements the gameplay.
  7. Mobile-Friendliness: With the increasing popularity of mobile gaming, designing games that are optimized for mobile devices is essential. Responsive design, intuitive touch controls, and smooth gameplay on smaller screens contribute to a positive user experience for mobile players.
  8. Social Interaction: Integrating social features into games, such as multiplayer options, leaderboards, and in-game chat, can foster a sense of community and competition among players. The ability to connect with friends, share achievements, and compete for rewards adds a social element to the gaming experience.
  9. Bonus Features and Rewards: Incorporating exciting bonus features, such as free spins, multipliers, and interactive mini-games, can add depth and excitement to the gameplay. Offering rewards and incentives, such as loyalty programs and progressive jackpots, can also enhance player engagement and motivation.
  10. Responsiveness to Player Feedback: Listening to player feedback and continuously improving the game based on user input is crucial for creating compelling experiences. Regular updates, bug fixes, and incorporating player suggestions demonstrate a commitment to player satisfaction and can lead to long-term engagement.

By carefully considering these key design elements, game developers can create online casino games that captivate players, provide an enjoyable gaming experience, and ultimately drive engagement and success in the highly competitive online casino industry.

Using Advanced Technologies to Improve the Gaming Experience

The use of cutting-edge technology is critical to improve the gaming experience for players at Australian online casinos. One key aspect is to create a mobile-friendly design that allows gamers to enjoy their games on the go. With the rise in popularity of mobile games, it is important to optimize game interfaces for small screens and touch interaction. In addition, being aware of industry trends and incorporating them into game design helps create innovative and engaging experiences. Collaboration with game developers and providers is also vital as it allows for the integration of cutting-edge features and technologies. By using cutting-edge technology, considering mobile-friendly design, following trends and collaborating with industry experts, online casinos can offer compelling games that captivate and delight players.

Adapting Games to Australian Cultural References and Themes

Adapting online casino games to Australian cultural references and themes is critical to creating a personalized and immersive gaming experience for Australian players. The localization of game content includes taking into account language nuances, incorporating colloquial expressions and integrating elements that resonate with Australian culture. These localization efforts not only increase player engagement, but also demonstrate a commitment to understanding and appreciating the Australian market. Incorporating user feedback and conducting testing with Australian players further ensures that games are well received and meet the preferences and expectations of the target audience. By keeping these factors in mind, game developers can create compelling online casino games that resonate with Australian players and provide a unique and enjoyable gaming experience.

How to Balance Design and Game Mechanics for Player Enjoyment?

Finding a balance between design and game mechanics is essential to create a fun and enjoyable experience for players in online casino games. Design elements such as visuals, sound, and user interface contribute to the overall aesthetic and immersion of the game. Game mechanics, on the other hand, include rules, goals, objectives, and interactions that encourage player participation and progress. Balancing these aspects involves aligning the game’s visual and audio elements with its mechanics, ensuring they complement each other to enhance the gameplay experience. This requires careful consideration of factors such as game pace, difficulty level, rewards, and player feedback. Iterative testing and player feedback play a critical role in improving the balance between design and mechanics, helping developers create games that are both engaging and fun, resulting in a truly enjoyable experience for players.


Creating compelling online casino games requires a careful mix of design and mechanics, keeping in mind the preferences of the player base. By focusing on visually appealing aesthetics, incorporating engaging game mechanics, and understanding the cultural and thematic preferences of Australian players, game developers and casino operators can improve the overall gaming experience and reach a wider audience. The combination of breathtaking visuals, innovative features and tailored gameplay ensures that online casinos can provide an immersive and engaging gaming environment. As the online gambling industry continues to evolve, staying current with design trends, technological advances, and player preferences will be the key to creating compelling games that will captivate the online gambling market and drive online casino success in this dynamic and competitive environment.

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How game development differs from the development of regular IT projects? Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:36:51 +0000 From what we do, IT projects usually begin with the understanding of the challenges to be solved in order to create a product. This then leads to determining a specification and putting all of this down on paper. Meaning, you can find out what will be done in the project easily. This is possible even […]

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From what we do, IT projects usually begin with the understanding of the challenges to be solved in order to create a product. This then leads to determining a specification and putting all of this down on paper. Meaning, you can find out what will be done in the project easily. This is possible even on Agile projects, with the goal that formalization occurs for shorter periods. This is usually due to the fact that the customer has a poor idea of ​​what they need.

In gaming, the situation is vastly different. The reason lies in the difficulty of formulating something fun – it’s very difficult to put into words. And even if you did, you need to think about how that fun would work with lots of people. “With our application, the user should be able to book a hotel room” and “With the help of our application, the user should have fun.”

When comparing games to cinema or theatre, there are many unknowns. Before release, it is hard to tell what kind of reaction people will have towards our game. On the other hand, games are one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. A major component of successful companies is meeting deadlines and delivering on expectations – in this regard, games are a good investment.

One top EA manager told me, “we have to be predictable” and this is the pure truth. Every day a game is late for release can cost you tens of millions in lost revenue or wasted marketing budget. Mixing incompatible elements such as the unpredictability of the outcome and its reliability can reflect in the production process.

Take a look at the graphic below to see what the production cycle looks like. IAgile development is appropriate for pre-production development, but not really suited for production.

The main principle is to start with early prototypes. Anything that raises questions should be implemented as early as possible. This reduces the cost of any errors that might happen. At the same time, the concept of “early prototyping” should be quite broad. I played a game with combat and it started to get really repetitive after the first few quests. It’s not just bad because of the lack of enemy variety, but also due to the lack of complexity in how we interact with them, feedback is set up – visual and sound effects, a HUD is made, a system of rewards is made. Early prototyping is the process of designing minimal viable products in order to determine different design iterations. It’s when you have both a beta and an alpha version of your product, and does not include soft launches.

There are many differences between working for a “regular” software company and the type of startup culture. Teams working at larger companies will usually have managers, analysts, testers, programmers and UI designers in place.

Inside the programming workshop there may be a hierarchy- architects, leading developers etc. This is all within the framework of the structure outlined above, but most teams include a significant amount of programmers. In video game development teams this will depend on what their specific needs are but many have programmers as well. A wide variety of specialists will be involved in the creation of a game, though the people that started out writing code all those years ago are still important. Sometimes they will be required to make decisions on an area that is not their expertise.

For the production of a game, you will need specialists in the following areas:

Producer or project manager, game designers, marketing team, good mathematicians for calculating balance, 2D concept artists for rendering all game elements; 3D modelers for modelling game objects and animators – 2D or 3D, depending on the chosen technology, a sound engineer or sound engineer; a technical artist – someone who brings together all of the work done by artists and modelers in the game scene and communicates with programmers or other professionals to ensure a smooth development process. Finally, there are the designers who develop complex 3D scenes and code them in-game.

For each project, these tasks can be combined, intersected or even absent altogether. But for the most part this is how these roles work together. Based on the corresponding information, we can see that programmers are not among the most common team members, constituting only 20% of the entire team on average. Additionally, it is important to know that they must be in very good mental condition. They’re all different people and they don’t always work well together. But they have some interesting things in common too – more often than not, they’re all lovely people. So in order to ensure good communication, it’s important that you find out what their difficulties are and do anything you can to accommodate them.

The way different people approach game development is motivational.

The development culture of a game is different from that of general engineering practices. Even though, one might be used to doing so in the outside world, it doesn’t work as efficiently for game developing and sometimes not even using a version control system will do.

Technology difference. The game is a complex and complex technological product. Generally – client-server.The realism and the level of detail in our games are due to tons of different factors. For example, people who create our thousands of buildings or all the miles of roads. You might also not know that DLCs and updates also contribute, so we can continue to improve the game further.

Many tech-savvy individuals may disagree with me, but I don’t think games are that great. They just don’t like it here and there isn’t any way to use “high-level” techniques. When it comes to programming languages, the most in demand area is gaming development. Other languages include things like C++ and even algorithms. The standard library and data structures are also worth mentioning.

The following is true not only for games, but for almost any product, but it becomes most obvious in games. Keeping your users interested in your game is key. If you get it right, they’ll want to spend their time and effort on your game rather than going to the movies or during work hours. That’s why a lot of developers invest so much time into finding the perfect formula for their games. In the same way, the procedures are not important, the millions of pixels in special effects concept art are not important, and it is important to develop detailed character plot twists – all these things will be served with one screen at game load. What matters is the final product, the deadline, and what you can do to make that final product better. If you constantly find yourself getting in your own way while trying to work on important projects then it might be time to consider an alternative solution.

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How did Dota2 become a cult game and the best for betting? Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:29:53 +0000 One of the most popular games worldwide, greatest among its type of games with perfect features and mechanics that are developing with each month game is existing.  So, what is the secret of Dota2 odds were so high that it is still the King?  Nowadays, it becomes harder and harder to compete with the worldwide […]

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One of the most popular games worldwide, greatest among its type of games with perfect features and mechanics that are developing with each month game is existing.  So, what is the secret of Dota2 odds were so high that it is still the King? 

Nowadays, it becomes harder and harder to compete with the worldwide known projects and still be successful not only among casual players but also in the professional esports community because, especially in its atmosphere, the game is becoming balanced, and it is possible to predict somehow and place bets on Dota2 matches.

History of greatness.

From the very creation of the game till now, Dota2 gambled a lot of different strategies of developing, making perfect skins to encourage people to play, and founding a rewarding system that will give you intend to spend more time inside the environment. Firstly, it was a simple modification to a massively known game, WC3, which started a new era for gaming and esports in a sense. From little steps towards professional gaming, which was based on the first version of the game till a huge jump nowadays with the Dota2 community betting for a crazy amount of prize pools on famous tournaments, with big esports community presenting almost every country in the world in addition to mixed esports teams, unique events taking part at every year International events, – all these points were reached to become the most fantastic game in the world still living in our hearts.

Many experts say that at the present point of gameplay of Dota2, there are very few projects that can compete with the game. The passion of people and love of community to it can be read in heroes, items, and all that surrounds you along with your matches.

Esports is a key to development.

What is the key for a game to be unstoppable in development and gaining auditory with each month more and more, meanwhile keeping old games still playing it from day to day for several hours? – esports. With the game’s development, we can see the effect of organizations taking part in all massive events along the year competing for placement in the global leaderboard. It gives a huge boost not only for balance developing perspective but also for other players watching esports matches, betting on Dota2 teams trying to guess the result, which is an additional entertainment for them and will also help gain more players. In addition, we can see the development of software for Dota2 betting and statistics, which also give advantages for professional teams and usual players to gain knowledge about the game. Valve company, which is developing Dota2 making a significant effort to encourage esports in its games, as we see not only in Dota2 but also CS.GO and another esports project of the company.

All is about becoming simple.

The key to everything – is to make it simple. For the last decade, we can see a trend in esports, and the global game projects are to make the game exciting and straightforward to watch via media resources. It helps companies to gain auditory because the players easily understand what is currently happening on the screen, so we are able not to see straightforward gameplay from esports professionals, but also hear some comments along with thair gameplay for better understanding of items which they want to buy or which will be good for the team.

Making the game more simple also helps newcomers be involved in gaming more without deep knowledge of the game or essential secrets (tricks), which professionals usually use during high-rank games or esports matches.

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Is it hard to create a Dota 2 clone that will be as successful? Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:31:45 +0000 The games industry development leads us to the logical point, where people who consume fun want a lot of different alternatives to play, even though games will have similar mechanics. With the creation of one of the most popular games nowadays for casual players as professional teams – Dota 2, many different projects and companies […]

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The games industry development leads us to the logical point, where people who consume fun want a lot of different alternatives to play, even though games will have similar mechanics. With the creation of one of the most popular games nowadays for casual players as professional teams – Dota 2, many different projects and companies are still trying to get at least close to it. Different universes are known and unknown, different interesting mechanics, full customization of characters and other environments, big tournaments as in Dota2, minigames, and a bunch of newest technologies – all that long recipe was used to try to impress people, but still there are only several projects that get success. 

So, is it even possible to create something greater which will attract as many people as Dota 2 did, and how to do it? 

Good balance and a lot of opportunities

In each Dota2 match, it is possible to see a precise balance of heroes, giving you an opportunity for a fair fight – it is usually the most significant problem of newcome games in this sphere, so there is no option for esports or matches like Dota 2 have. We need to keep in mind that one of the biggest developers teams working day and night to create a balance in the game, so when a new game is coming out, everyone considers that it will be at least on the same level as a known project which is played by people each day for a lot of real-time hours. From the point of good balance, it becomes possible to suggest that esports in this game also will develop with a game such as we see at every year Dota 2 tournaments. Something might change in the game, but fairness for casual and professional players is the most crucial part.

Infinite growth.

In projects such as Dota2, it is essential to realize that this game is existing for more than ten years now, so they were able to grow from that time developing with a whole industry and even create trends in games of this type, while newcomers need to start from the point of the fully developed game almost without mistakes to compete with large projects of nowadays. So, the main point of creating a new project is to use all knowledge, mechanics, and sources to make up something special and show that you are not worth than available global games.

Right advertisement

With enormous resources that have big companies, it is easy to attract people to see a lot of Dota2 news resources, guides, streamers, and other media channels through which you are trying to get your attention and make you download the game. So, the second important thing which you need to take into count is to make sure you can say a word on the global arena of esports or media. Some significant events (such as the Dota2 tournament) or showmatch with esports professionals will be a good start for such a game and will significantly push the advertisement.

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Innova becomes publisher of Korean MMORPG Kritika Sun, 11 Jul 2021 16:19:59 +0000 Pre-order pack can be made from December 1 and guaranteed to get to the beta test of the game, scheduled for early 2022.

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Pre-order pack can be made from December 1 and guaranteed to get to the beta test of the game, scheduled for early 2022.

Kritika – MMORPG with fast action, lightning ability cooldowns and numerous combinations of attacks. The rock-metal soundtrack makes the game especially dynamic.

The game boasts a large selection of classes, including classes with a focus on melee and ranged combat specialists, as well as more versatile options that offer players tactical gameplay. By combining class diversity in the game with its deep equipment upgrade system, players will be able to create unique builds to suit their needs.

The game is aimed primarily at PvE battles, but it also has elements of PvP – with arenas and ranking tables.

Kritika is already available for pre-order on Fogame: the purchase of the kit guarantees players participation in the closed beta testing, which will open in early 2022.

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Riot Games and Samsung held an extreme show on Wild Rift Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:28:46 +0000 As part of it cyber athletes performed difficult tests. You can also take part in the show and along with this win a flagship smartphone Galaxy S21 and other prizes.

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As part of it cyber athletes performed difficult tests. You can also take part in the show and along with this win a flagship smartphone Galaxy S21 and other prizes.

Players from Unicorns of Love team in League of Legends: Wild Rift showed what the Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone can do, playing in hard conditions – while carting, diving and taking part in a paintball fight. You can watch a recording of the show below.

In addition, as part of the “#GameNaS21” campaign launched by Riot Games and Samsung, an interactive app has also appeared in the official Wild Rift community, where WR fans can win in-game images by completing special in-game Challenges. Among the gamers who participate in the contest will be raffled prizes: the flagship smartphone Galaxy S21, T-shirts with autographs of the legendary LoL-team Unicorns of Love and in-game content for Wild Rift.

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MY.GAMES Cloud service to add AMD-based gaming systems Sun, 06 Dec 2020 16:30:40 +0000 As part of the agreements, MY.GAMES Cloud has added 20 AMD gaming servers equipped with AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics chips to its pool of gaming servers.

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As part of the agreements, MY.GAMES Cloud has added 20 AMD gaming servers equipped with AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics chips to its pool of gaming servers.

AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics cards are based on AMD RDNA 2 architecture, have 12GB of GDDR6 high-speed memory, support AMD Smart Access Memory technology (if AMD Ryzen processor of certain models is available in the system) and other features.

At the end of the trial period, which runs through March 2022, MY.GAMES Cloud may increase its fleet of computers running AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics cards. For the cloud gaming service, this will be an opportunity to reduce hardware costs by up to 20 percent and get rid of licensing fees, which will lower prices for the end user as well.

Currently MY.GAMES Cloud has a catalog of over 500 games from developers such as Techland, Gaijin, Nacon, Funcom, Paradox Int, CCP Games, MY.GAMES and many others.

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