One of the most popular games worldwide, greatest among its type of games with perfect features and mechanics that are developing with each month game is existing.  So, what is the secret of Dota2 odds were so high that it is still the King? 

Nowadays, it becomes harder and harder to compete with the worldwide known projects and still be successful not only among casual players but also in the professional esports community because, especially in its atmosphere, the game is becoming balanced, and it is possible to predict somehow and place bets on Dota2 matches.

History of greatness.

From the very creation of the game till now, Dota2 gambled a lot of different strategies of developing, making perfect skins to encourage people to play, and founding a rewarding system that will give you intend to spend more time inside the environment. Firstly, it was a simple modification to a massively known game, WC3, which started a new era for gaming and esports in a sense. From little steps towards professional gaming, which was based on the first version of the game till a huge jump nowadays with the Dota2 community betting for a crazy amount of prize pools on famous tournaments, with big esports community presenting almost every country in the world in addition to mixed esports teams, unique events taking part at every year International events, – all these points were reached to become the most fantastic game in the world still living in our hearts.

Many experts say that at the present point of gameplay of Dota2, there are very few projects that can compete with the game. The passion of people and love of community to it can be read in heroes, items, and all that surrounds you along with your matches.

Esports is a key to development.

What is the key for a game to be unstoppable in development and gaining auditory with each month more and more, meanwhile keeping old games still playing it from day to day for several hours? – esports. With the game’s development, we can see the effect of organizations taking part in all massive events along the year competing for placement in the global leaderboard. It gives a huge boost not only for balance developing perspective but also for other players watching esports matches, betting on Dota2 teams trying to guess the result, which is an additional entertainment for them and will also help gain more players. In addition, we can see the development of software for Dota2 betting and statistics, which also give advantages for professional teams and usual players to gain knowledge about the game. Valve company, which is developing Dota2 making a significant effort to encourage esports in its games, as we see not only in Dota2 but also CS.GO and another esports project of the company.

All is about becoming simple.

The key to everything – is to make it simple. For the last decade, we can see a trend in esports, and the global game projects are to make the game exciting and straightforward to watch via media resources. It helps companies to gain auditory because the players easily understand what is currently happening on the screen, so we are able not to see straightforward gameplay from esports professionals, but also hear some comments along with thair gameplay for better understanding of items which they want to buy or which will be good for the team.

Making the game more simple also helps newcomers be involved in gaming more without deep knowledge of the game or essential secrets (tricks), which professionals usually use during high-rank games or esports matches.


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